Clues You're Ready for NEXT LEVEL Magic & 5 Things to Implement Now (+Launching My First Course Story Time)
Feb 22, 2022
I was in a voxer convo with one of my absolutely brilliant private clients earlier today and we got on the topic of how it was for me launching my first course which is exactly what I want to share with you
Along with activating some upgrades and sharing a few clues that you're ready for NEXT LEVEL Magic in your business
even if you haven't gotten started yet..
This particular badass, who has built a following of over 100k on her own, is about to launch some wildly awesome stuff into the world and if you've been sitting on some gold for months or years, or even sitting on the idea of wanting to and sorta exploring in your mind what could maybe be possible for you,
then you'll know how this conversation got started.
There's hella uncertainty when you're in the process of taking ALL of this magic in you and trying to put it in a package.
Especially when you've been planning it for months in your head and letting the imagination run wild..
It seems like an impossible task which is precisely why it is, by far, the number one thing that people come to me saying,
"I just don't understand how i'm going to be able to take ALL OF THIS and put it in a little box, and with a price tag... like how can you even price this?? what even IS this??"
Trust, I know the struggle intimately.
It runs deep..
We are taught from an early age to be the last one we trust.
We have our innate wonder, intuition, curiosity, imagination, confidence, and creativity, practically stripped from us and replaced with what our society deems more importatnt based on their own agenda, not what's best for you, and that is pure rationality, logic, planning, systems, analysis, survival, paired with the expectation of perfection.
Without the first bit that's currently hiding in a dark closet somewhere in the recesses of the mind/body and is only let out to play when you're certain it's safe,
the logical shit just doesn't work by itself when you decide to be done being a bystander in your own life.
It's truly got to be a dance,
And that's really ALL going from where you are to where you want to be requires.
To take that magic out of the closet and let her run wild!
So when she asked me what it was like for me launching my first course, i got a major opportunity to review just how far I’ve come and honestly my mind is a little blown right now that I’ve never thought to talk about this.
When I was launching my first course, I had already been doing business for a while, like a year and a half but I still technically worked for someone else.
I had people from my team and people that weren't on my team coming to me because of the content that I posted,
It made people feel good.
They could see that I had a perspective that is not that common and it created results for me that weren't that common either. Most of us got into that business because of the lifestyle freedom that it would create but once you’re in it’s kinda tough to not get obsessed with the numbers- the literally tell you its a numbers game but they don’t really teach you how to become the person that can actually withstand that amount of freedom.
People could see that I knew something they didn't know but they WANTED to know.
I would somehow manage to effortlessly wiggle my way to the top of the group and gain leadership status in a very short amount of time, no matter what kind of group it was.
It's like I just expected people to pay attention to me.
but I also know where I had come from and how in the hell it was possible that I had come so fucking far, and THAT was something I believed in.
People could see that I cared much more about fulfillment than the numbers and they wanted to experience that,
so they could have both.
But in truth,
I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.
I was just being me.
And it turns out, that’s all it took.
I was hyper conscious of my thoughts, beliefs, conditioning, and what I did personally to transform.
I knew that with all these people coming to me that I could actually start my own coaching business and so that’s exactly what I did- even though i didn’t technically know how.
Here's what I DID know:
I believed that everyone is an addict and regardless if a person was addicted to drugs or fear, or anything in between,
and that they could transform.
I knew exactly what I personally did to get to where I was and I had insights that couldn’t be known by the people who had never actually had to transform to become a person that could handle the liberation and sovereignty that comes with reclaiming your power.
I believed in the transformation so damn much.. even when I wasn't sure what that looked like.
I had knowledge and skillsets and experience that other people didn't and I wanted to share it.
AND I took the leap to hire a kickass coach which meant that
I had someone who I knew believed in me, who really saw me and what I was actually capable of,
I felt supported in my vision, for the first time in my life..
that's it.
That’s all I had.
i didn't know what I was doing,
even with my coaches help,
I just knew that I was doing it
and I fully fucking backed myself on it.
I made a little over 6k in my first weekend launching.
I had no idea what I was going to be sharing that weekend. I had the name of the 2 courses I was launching, and I knew that I was going to be doing 1-1 work with some people.
It was only possible because I backed myself fully by having unwavering self-belief, trusting the vision, and going all the way in on me.
I've launched so many things since then, and to be perfectly honest with you, I've probably had just as many things that flopped as I have things that popped off.
I still haven't gotten to a place where I hit my goal every time. And I've definitely had a handful of courses where NO ONE has signed up!
But I still keep going.
Because it's what I see inside me, it's what Im here to do.
It took quite a long time for me to realize that all I ever really had to do was share my insights into what I do, why I do it.
I just had to be hyper conscious and be willing to share it all regardless if I thought it was some revolutionary Idea or common knowledge. I had to trust that what was trying to come through me was exactly what my soul mate clients and students needed to hear in order to have them say FUCK YES to themselves and do what needed to be done to transform.
So if you've ever felt any of these things, that's your clue that you're READY for next level magic in the business of your dreams - even if you don't have the full picture of what that looks like right now, even if the people who come to you aren’t team members but are instead friends and family.
So here are 5 things you can implement to fucking GO FOR IT- EVEN IF/ESPECIALLY IF you have no friggin clue where to go from here..
- Commit like fuck that this is something you'll never stop pursing, the only way you can fail is if you stop.. it's impossible for you to not create what you see inside you if you continue to create what you see inside you in the lived moments of your life.
- HIRE A FRIGGIN COACH. Do you need a coach to launch your business?
But if you value your time and making the experience aligned as possible as quick as possible,
work with someone who has been through it and is on the other side,
someone who can hold belief in you until you can see the magic unfold for yourself,
and someone who can help you navigate the murky waters of the conditioned identity, shadows, and limitations that are trying to die to make space for your brilliant work to be birthed.
- Be willing to look like you don't know what you're doing. Be willing to NOT know what you're doing and then do it anyway. In truth, you do always know what you're doing- you're either doing something or you're not.
This moment right here is all you have so you ALWAYS know what you're doing. What you don't actually know is what this certain action is going to result in.
We are also conditioned into believing that a specific action creates a specific outcome and that's all there is.
But there's also something beyond that.
It's not needing to have an action have any sort of outcome but to be always living in alignment with how the vision wants to unfold and knowing that you're always doing exactly what you must in order to experience the most magic possible.
When we limit ourselves to "if I do this, I get that" mentality, we are operating solely from our limited 5 sense perception of what's possible/available and not taking into account all the supernatural shit that is happening because of the energy with which we are doing or not doing the things.
Know that the energetic/fuck yes/magic/higher you knows exactly what it's doing to get you to the place where your true will is revealed in the shortest amount of time possible if you'd condition yourself to listen to where the magic is trying to take you instead, even if you don't necessarily know how it's going to turn out.
- Declare yourself the leader of your tribe energetically (daily if you must) and start sharing like you’re the leader that you were born to be. Share your ideas, your insights, your ideas that seem like they would only make sense to you- however these things are asking to be birthed, writing, video, podcasting, whatever. Start inviting people to your work even if you’re not sure what it is! Have conversations. BE the damn person now!
- Feel the Damned Fear and Do it ANYWAY! Feelings are not facts. You gotta be able to move that shit out of the way and start honoring your actual full bodied fuck yes values regardless of what the survival mind would have you believe.
The places that this will take you alone are insane!
Wrapping this all up, I want to invite you to implement these things this week and allow yourself to really see what is possible for you in a really short time frame.
You will see that the human mind WAYYY over complicates this stuff and you’ll get to have the experience of what happens when you move that out of the way,
you know exactly what you're doing,
exactly what to do next,
and you’re already being exactly who you need to be in order to fulfill the vision you see inside you now.
Click Here for some NEXT LEVEL MAGIC🤘
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