Giiiiirrrl... You're Just TOO MUCH...
Apr 13, 2022
We've all heard it before..
You're too loud,
too outspoken,
too wild,
too weird,
too emotional,
too sensitive,
too caring,
too forgiving,
the list goes on and on..
And while the whole world is out here struggling with their "not enoughness"
You have always had to tone it down so you're not TOO Much..
[I'm imagining being too enough π]
In fact, if you've struggled with not feeling like "enough" it's because there's MORE that you're not allowing yourself to unleash after being shut down in the past by people who were supposed to love and accept you.
I know of one lady who struggled with letting her voice be heard and what it really came down to was when she was little, she was standing on the coffee table and singing her little heart out and one of her parents yelled at her to "GET DOWN FROM THERE!"
so she carried that order with her her WHOLE life..
and you know what her little heart heard??
"I don't love you when you're being you."
She made a vow right there in that moment to never be seen or heard as her authentic self again because it would certainly mean rejection.. it would mean ppl she wanted to share her talent and joy with wouldn't love her anymore.
Do you know how many of us have that living inside us right now?
Tucked away in our bodies
in the darkest recesses of our minds from which every single decision you make comes from a place of checking in with that "is it safe?"
instead of making decisions based on the pure fuckin magick that lies just beyond unconscious reach..
where your true will lives.
If you checked in right now and asked yourself from a place of pure soul, "what have I been told I'm too much of?" list it all out..
then ask, "what does my next level require me to be more of?"
I guarantee you the two answers will be the same.
We are diving deep into this exact kind of inner work to unlock parts of yourself you didn't even know you were hiding in one of the Next Level Magick First 20 Bonuses on April 28th.
And in the entire 6 weeks together we are not just unlocking, but we are UNLEASHING the hell out of the inner magick your authentic extra af unapologetic self TRIVES on.
You're about to receive the ultimate permission you didn't even know you needed to step out into the world and experience supernatural levels of Income, Impact, Passion, AND Fulfillment..
You're going to remember how to BE the person who is capable of allowing in MORE..
This isn't just a "learn it" course..
In fact, none of my courses are just learning about something..
This is a BEing EXPERIENCE.
Next Level Magick is going to activate you in all the right places so you can step into the vision you have in your heart and live it NOW.
It doesn't happen overnight,
it takes commitment to showing up for yourself,
it takes sacrificing all the false ideas you've adopted in order to survive so that you can THRIVE.
It takes handing over the old to experience the new.
and it takes deciding that enough is efuckingnough,
'I'm ready to see what's I'm made of!'
(the answer to which is magick, of course π)
We are on that "how good can it get?" shit over here...
So I want you to ask yourself,
How good can it get??
And know, that's exactly what's waiting for you when you say YES to what's alive inside of you.
I'm over here dying to celebrate with you today as you make the decision to upgrade into YOUR Next Level of Magick in every area of your life today π€
Get signed up and dive into all the juicy bonus content while we are gathering the rest of the community to level the fuck up with us!
I'm Ready for the Next Level π₯ |
"Fuck YES!" Your Life!
YOU + ME = 31 days to conjure your most brilliant expression and unleash the most epic 'FUCK YES' experiences into your Life now!
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