The Raging Stillness of Upgrade
May 18, 2022
It feels like forever since I wrote to you..
(it's only been a few days, but still :P )
As you may know, last week I was getting ready to make a pretty big move in my business by hiring an agency to amplify part of the biz that is not my genius,
which I did,
(right at the beginning of Mercury Retrograde might I add)
and of course it's only appropriate to talk about what happens when you do something like this...
when you move radically out of your comfort zone into the unimaginable.
Handing over everything you think you know,
Giving up a limited sense of control to experience a new expression of power.
It's like walking around in the dark and trusting more deeply than you knew you even had the capacity for.
These kinds of shifts (that require huge money, time, energy investments into yourself and your vision) aren't just like receiving shifts in realizations and insight...
They change/initiate/activate you on an identity level.
They are total paradigm shattering and recreating events.
They are exciting as hell of course, AND they are scary af too..
that's one of the ways you can know you're going in the right direction.
It's what I call 'opening the Phenom Gateway' which I talk about in day 19 of Fuck Yes Your Life.
It's one of the best ways I know of to be able to welcome in massive amounts of possibility, potential realities, and magick that have been out of reach rather than the struggle that comes with staying in the paradigm you've outgrown.
When consistently making moves like this,
putting it all on the line,
having no idea what's going to happen next,
being willing to risk it all for the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire,
requires you to get reeeeal comfortable being uncomfortable.
And as you may know, or maybe not, this is where the quantum leaps can happen.
Deciding, "hey... you know, I want to experience xyz.."
and then becoming aware of when opportunities are presenting themselves to have that experience
only, it's never what we think it's going to be
so many manyyyy people overlook theses opportunities which then causes the unfolding of that desire to take a million years longer than it needed to.
They get missed because we expect it to feel like a strike of lightning or some person, place, event or invitation to appear with a neon flashing sign above that says "THIS IS IT!!"
but what I know is that
The things that create the biggest upgrades in us are the things that feel still.
The things that cause us to go silent..
To go deep within,
To not know what comes next.
That confusion is a GIFT.
It births curiosity, which births creativity, which births clarity, which births confidence & courage, which births change.
In that decision to pursue your next level, taking the opportunity that both scares and excites you, creates a raging stillness that's necessary..
you're invited to reassess your life from a new lens,
you experience a deep clearing within yourself and around you,
things might blow up or implode and fall back into a place that's aligned to the desired outcome.
The way you handle the implosion/explosion is the true test of whether or not you can hold/grow/expand the vision yet.
It's in the little things that make the big difference.
Are you making the things happening mean something about who you are and about what may or may not really be available for you?
Are you letting your survival mind drive your body and emotions?
Or are you truly committed to thriving, are you going to hold the pose and come from a place of knowing everything that's meant to be will be?
Are you going to release the need for everything to go as you think it should so that it can go as it needs to in order to create your reality beyond what you can actually envision?
It definitely requires an uncomfortable af pause, an initiation into the identity of the truth of you, and a rebirth into the limitless nature of your true potential.
I'm here to encourage you to hold the damn pose.
You have no idea what's on the other side.
How boring would it be if you did, anyway :P
Have some fun with it.
"Fuck YES!" Your Life!
YOU + ME = 31 days to conjure your most brilliant expression and unleash the most epic 'FUCK YES' experiences into your Life now!
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