UNCENSORED (say what tf you're here to say and get paid!)
May 04, 2022
Ready to Unleash the Real Stuff You're Meant to be Sharing?
The Genuine, Uncensored, Unapologetic Truth that Sets Your Soul On Fire and Creates the Level of Impact You know You're Made for?!
Every natural born leader, healer, coach, guide, messenger, channeler, psychic, achiever I've ever spoken to that knows they're being called but hasn't quite stepped fully into claiming it yet, says the same thing..
"I just don't know what to talk about..."
"I don't understand what I'm really here to do.. something is missing..."
"I don't get why I'm attracting the wrong kind of people (or no ppl) to my content/business."
"I know I have a lot to share/offer, but I don't know what my thing really is."
"I don't want to sound like everyone else.."
"How am I supposed to take all of who I am and package it up??"
"I'm too multi-passionate I can't stay focused, there're too many things I want to do."
...and so the answer, across the board, seems to be do nothing at all.
But the truth is,
It's MUCH harder to NOT do it for people like you and me.
It causes a great deal of physical and emotional pain knowing that you have so much more to offer to the world, that there's so much more of yourself that's yet to be unleashed, so many more people to impact than you have so far.
Not to mention,
(where the hell did that saying even come from? I'm totally mentioning it 🐿)
the complete cluster fuck that becomes 'just life as usual' when you're second guessing yourself, wavering, filtering, editing what you really want to say.
Doing, doing, doing, but not doing the thing.
Yes, even multipassionate people like you and me have a the thing..
and it's not nearly as difficult to figure out as ppl make it out to be.
In fact, this is one of the most natural things you do..
keeping it in is what's burning you out, causing overwhelm, confusion, frustration, self doubt,
and every other reason it feels impossible to consistently show up for the work you're here to unleash into this 3D earth plane playground.
So how do you get in tune with the real stuff?
How do you open the channel for more mind-blowing creativity, ideas, concepts, energy??
How do you become more magnetic to the people you actually want to spend your precious time and energy working with???
You get Real FUCKIN' REAL about who you are,
what you stand for,
what you absolutely stand against,
back yourself like crazy,
and just fucking SAY IT ALREADY!
Sounds easy enough, right?!
Well, yeah, in a watered down, surface level, I know how but don't, like as in never fully have really, just a little, kinda way...
For most of us, we understand that there's a certain unspoken agreement about the way were supposed to show up in society and as a person with a business.
Especially a person that is a guide for other people.
Even when you think you're being outrageous + over the top, you feel this loose thread just teasing to be pulled..
niggling at you..
egging you on...
"say it... sayyyyyy iiiiiiiiiitttttt!!!!"
"oh. She didn't say it.
Okay, have fun managing the energy it's going to take to hold THAT in place..
Imma just go chill in the ether until you're actually ready for what you say you want."
We are conditioned since birth (and truly before, it's in our DNA) to be these proper, respectful little things that never challenge the status quo in a way that matters (like by becoming it and making real change from the inside out) and sure in some areas you've broken through.
You set standards with your partner,
Boundaries with friends and family,
Maybe you've told off your fair share of biggots, mysogonists, maybe you've made it clear where you stand politically, socially,
But think about it...
All these things have really become almost expected, definitely acceptable to do in the last couple years..
It's not really that risqué..
It's practically normal.
What's not 'normal' is unleashing the REAL Message you're here to Unleash, traveling a path that hasn't been carved out, saying what you REALLY want to say with your business, in your content, with clients, with your audience.
For me this looks like saying:
It's absolutely ridiculous that most fringe dwelling witches, New Paradigm healers, 'slap a bitch with a next level truth and give her a soft pillow to land on' leaders/artists/messengers are financially limited, riddled with self doubt, can't see their unique blueprint..
.. Its so completely insane to me that no one in our community is showing you how to use your psychic abilities + genius to build a thriving business that both gives you a life of passion / pleasure / play / purpose AND transforms + revolutionizes consciousness, individuality, education, entertainment, luxury, food, fitness, love, romance, personal power, and the planet while we're at it!
In this case, for me, it's clear that there's no one better for the job... I see a gap so
And you might be thinking...
"How can I do all those things if I'm not even getting it right for myself???"
and hell yeah, it requires massive amounts of trust when there's no evidence that you should trust.
It requires relentless dedication to the vision you see inside of you.
It requires being responsible to the work you're here to do, over continuing to be responsible to the old story of why you can't.
And, I'll tell you right now,
the fact that you haven't chosen to fully claim your destiny yet?
(one that you chose for yourself mind you)
This is why you can't think of anything to say..
Don't know what you're here to do..
This is why you're experiencing chronic burnout..
Your brilliant work isn't going to just show up and perform for you if you're abusing it to get validation for work that is just "close enough"
sorry to break it to ya.
You might be wondering, who tf does this bitch think she is??
On the other hand, if you value truth you probably like it 😉
Either way, this bitch is a natural born leader/healer/psychic/alchemist/transformation catalyst, just like you,
that's been sitting right where you're at,
wanting, waiting, wishing like hell
that someone would have come and shown me this shit years earlier, just like you do.
And made it financially accessible just like Uncensored is.
This bitch is someone who is so mf bored with the love and light and that's alright culture that we've made the new normal, 'the ultimate evolution'
Don't get it twisted, it's definitely a step in the right direction and there're billions of people that still need to step into that ascension paradigm, but you???
nah, nah, nah
Your Work?
Your Message??
Is for the millions that are waiting to go beyond it.
Which, of course, requires you yourself to go beyond it too.
Beyond the new dogma,
beyond the new taboo,
beyond what once was the beyond.
You and I both know that's not all there is..
and you're proooobably not going anywhere too soon blending in & teaching what your teacher taught you.
Ppl are tired of hearing the same ol boring parroted shit that has no life behind it because the person speaking it has no actual experience living beyond it.
You do.
You're able to draw connections that others can't see because you've lived beyond what you can read in any book or learn from any teacher.
And that's what people are HUNGRY FOR!
We want the real stuff, the stuff only you can activate in us
AND the stuff you're only telling your partner and bff..
(gimme gimmeeee!)
This is what you're going to find in UNCENSORED.
You're here to deliver the 'more to be revealed' that's summoning you forward here and now.
It's time to unleash the real impact you're here to make,
To get Uncensored,
Eliminate the layers of junk keeping you in this cycle of low energy, hard to know what to say, don't know how to say it, feeling like a never ending loop, groundhogs day in your business..
constantly editing your natural flow so you don't piss anyone off and get rejected from the tribe.
YOU are the leader of your tribe and they are waiting for YOU!
If you're ready to become magnetic to your perfect for you people,
Always know what to say/have something to say,
Be received in the way you want instead of the way you think people want to receive you,
Learn to deal with any potential fallout like a pro,
Get fear to fuck right off to let the real stuff through,
Release shame and turn it into some of your powerful gifts and messaging,
Monetize ANYTHING,
Stop burning out and get energized by your work,
Identify your genius,
Unlock your breakthrough message,
Unleash your most audacious self,
Unapologetically deliver the upgrades you're here for,
AND GET PAID beyond your time, effort, energy, or worth...
Uncensored is for YOU!
4 Weeks totally stripped back for the New Paradigm Healer, Leader, Coach, Messenger, who's meant to be seen...
Say wtf you're here to say & get paid!
This is about aligning with yourself deeper than you do with fear,
Deeper than you've ever dared before.
This is about finding your actual voice and using it as a portal through which your people find their way home.
It's about shamelessly + effortlessly showing up, saying what needs to be said and getting the fuck on with it,
without spending all day on social media.
This is about getting paid what your real value is. Valuing your work appropriately, not based on time or your worth.
And this is about Rising up from the ashes and seeing what doing all that healing work was really for..
and did I mention getting fucking PAID???
**Because I know that the faster you act on what's a "FUCK YES!" the faster you get results...
If this new reality feels like a Fuck Yes to you?
I'm making Uncensored a *NO BRAINER* & giving you 200 reasons to join by Saturday 5/7**
The ridiculous thing is that It's costing more to NOT join at this price point.
The investment goes to full price Sunday.
You'll Receive :
- At minimum 10 Audio or Video with powerful lessons that will energetically move you into the pure unapologetic, unfiltered, uncensored potential you're here to unleash.
- Playbooks and Journal prompts that help you to excavate your true message and align to the you that's capable of delivering it.
- Practical, Hands On Real World, Real Life Assignments that will place you right in the middle of the work you're here to do.
- Instant access to a community where you'll share your breakthrough work with the other badasses who are developing their body of work along side you.
- Personalized coaching/feedback from me, unique to your situation as you share, so we can effortlessly burn through any perceived limitations, reveal blind spots, challenge you to go deeper, and activate the most potent vision alive in you.
Instant access Bonus when you join:
>> Dreamer to Visionary << Transfer of Power Activation
This activation Is worth just as much as this entire course and beyond.
It's designed to, and does, blow the doors wiiiide open on exactly what you're here to do and why you haven't fully let yourself unleash it yet.
Pre-Work drops Monday 5/9
Official Start Date Friday the 13th
Which happens to be suuuuch a powerful day for the fierce af divine feminine that lives within us all.
We will not only be dropping the first official lesson but we will be opening a powerful portal for the fem cycle to show you how it wants to work in your process 🖤🥂
See you there,
you U̸̩̾̒͗͆̈́̚̚͝N̸̡̡̙̯̙͙̹̺̫̳̓̚CENSORED Baddie 🤘
"Fuck YES!" Your Life!
YOU + ME = 31 days to conjure your most brilliant expression and unleash the most epic 'FUCK YES' experiences into your Life now!
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