Mar 02, 2022
Listen to the Podcast to get into the "How to" of accepting this specific new moon's support/upgrades/activations and Magic 🌚
I’ve had ZERO energy for the past 2 days which sounds “bad” but I’ve learned through experimentation and experience that it’s actually a potent signifier for me..
This happens in my body every time there’s significant magick at our fingertips so I wanted to share some of the instructions I’m getting with you.
(Which is another reason for what I call “going dark” aka the loss of energy and interest- it’s literally the dropping of any and all agendas so I can tune to, hook in, and channel the activations/upgrades necessary for the next evolution)
I don’t typically work with moon energy but when I do, it’s ALWAYS new and let me say, this one is more than a calling, it’s practically a command.
We are still technically in the dark phase of this new moon so if there are any subtle (or not so subtle) energy blockages hangin out..
Let those bitches GO for good- how? realize and claim that you’re still safe without them for one
and then set your intentions for beyond what your fear mind thinks is actually possible/available in this moment.
Over the next few months, We can be expecting some serious intuitive guidance that is directly leading us to the physical manifestation of that seemingly unavailable thing.
This guidance is going to seem irrelevant to the outcome or might seem counterintuitive or scary, but it’s what’s necessary.
Keep your consciousness fixed on it ALL being an opportunity to become the person who is capable of holding/expanding/living the vision you see inside you.
It is the exact perfect night to lock in some major upgrades and expect hightened response from your spirit AND cooperation from your body + nervous system.
Let it be EASY, fun, magick, pleasure, PLAY..
Or whatever you actually want it to be,
Because however you want it is how ya gonna get it right now gorgeous.
Now let’s make some Magick y’all!
"Fuck YES!" Your Life!
YOU + ME = 31 days to conjure your most brilliant expression and unleash the most epic 'FUCK YES' experiences into your Life now!
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