When It Gets Too Hard

Feb 14, 2022

It's tough creating the habits that support the version of you that you see inside right?

all the things we think we have to do..


" There's never enough time. Ideas never come when there is time.

Instead there's an endless supply of mind-fuckery to go around to keep ya busy for several lifetimes.


Creating a make ya go "FUCK YES" every minute of the day, soul aligned business is hard.

Becoming the person who can hold and grow and expand the vision is haaaarrrd...

Following through on your ideas is hard..

Gathering the resources (time, money, people who are excited for what you're doing) is hard..


Putting in the work is hard..

It's supposed to require 'hard work', right??


It hard getting to that place where you feel total alignment.

Where you just sit down to create and everything simply flows from you.

and it's hard because it seems like every time you drop in, the magic leaves almost as quick as it came.

Which is hard in and of itself because the thing you want more than anything is to just BE IN THE MAGICK and the flow of life's wonders.


Then the over thinking kicks in, the doubt, the what if's.

-am I doing this right? am I allowed to say that? what if people get mad at me? what if i ruin my reputation?-


and you're back in your brain.


Like.. gahh.. moving all that human shit to the side..

Letting go of what you want so you can actually have it..




But really,

NO.. ​

You know what's hard??

Knowing you have a vision, a message in you that has been designed to move fucking mountains and create shifts in consciousness that will impact humanity for the rest of time




Living a life of mediocrity when your boundless spirit craves infinity..

Clinging to the past and what life has shown you reality "is"

That's fucking HARD.



Buying into All the beliefs standing in the way, limiting access to the vision.

The "I don't know"s

The "I'm not sure"s

The "oooo!! look at how that person over there is doing it better"

and the "I'll do it later"s

... that never get done.


That's a fucking TRAGEDY.


Especially when you know that All you ever really have to do is make space for it...

Show up for the magic that wants to live through you,

Be with yourself in silence and allow the message that is meant to be brought to life through your art, your creating/writing/videos/speaking, come through you, like it's your only job in life.


Allowing genius to animate your art

Is the furthest thing from Hard.

It's like breathing....

It's hard NOT TO.


And everything in your life fits into it. Not the other way around.

You don't decide to breathe only after the house is clean, laundry and dishes are done, kids are bathed, and 8 hours of work is done.


It takes so much effort to try and blend in with the normal people of the world

the ones who daily walk into a place they hate and sell their soul for minimum wage..

or those who sell themselves out for the way it's 'supposed' to be done according to marketing tom over there.


You may be (or thought you were) one of these people,

so you know exactly what it feels like

knowing that there is something so deep in you screaming "THERE'S GOT TO BE MORE!!"


Since you can remember,

you had a calling.


But to what?

To where is this 'calling' calling me??


That's the million dollar question isn't it?


And I mean that quite literally.


We all have a million dollar calling, ideas, inventions, breakthroughs, revelations,

and even though it's not about the money,

trust me when I say

the vision comes fully equipped with the resources to support it.


If only you would step aside and let it animate you.






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