You know It's Ridiculous, right?
Apr 05, 2022
You feel the 'more' that tries to move you..
You hear it calling you...
It's straight up RIDICULOUS that you haven't given yourself permission (yet) to go ALL in on Having it All,
Doing it All,
BEING All of what you know you're here to be/do/have.
What you're here to create..
How you're meant to impact..
because you haven't decided that fear doesn't get to have a say...
And it's eating away at you.
Stealing your joy..
Stealing your entire fucking life.
I haven't had an ass kicking message like this come through in a while
and it's not just you..
it's a mf CALLING.
It's a calling for the way makers, the healers, the coaches, guides, the messengers, the artists, the visionaries of the world that are milking the hell out of the last strand of 'normality' that you're clinging to.
You aren't here to blend in with the rest of the world...
You are here to lead, to inspire, to empower the fuck out of the people you have a sacred agreement with.
And they are WAITING.
Surprise, Surprise:
They're not waiting for the weak ass diluted thing you've been serving either.
It's the truth, the transmission, the mf SAUCE..
or "we're going to a different restaurant for the real potent shit" kinda waiting.
Usually when I write these messages, I'm channeling from what YOUR spirit is telling me it needs you to hear..
not today..
this is your people.
They are waiting for you.
I know you're feeling tired..
I know you're feeling a little low..
I know you feel like you wish you could be more consistent..
but how could you when you're giving that watered down over processed version of what's moving through you that requires SO much more energy to dilute than it does to give it RAW.
Just the way you really like it.
Channels aren't meant to be clogged up
I mean imagine a shipping channel just having a bunch of ships never being unloaded..
This is what's happening when you allow your message to be processed by fear and constant editing of yourself..
Picking and choosing what gets to be unloaded based on whether or not it will be valued or accepted by people that you probably don't even LIKE!
Of course you're tired!
You've got hundreds of ships sitting in your channel that want to deliver resources but you don't want to unload them!
Bottom line: You have a responsibility to show the fuck up for the vision you see inside of you..
it's not some day dream or fairytale that maybe, hopefully, if you play your cards just right
and do all the things in the right order
and have all the information that maybe one day you can glimpse into..
it's YOURS.
It's in you for a reason.
You have a blueprint already installed that is trying to show you the way..
if only you'd say YES to it.
Claim it.
Take responsibility for what you see inside yourself.
Step fully into your power and UNLEASH that shi(f)t into the world.
Old, Outdated, NonFunctional Paradigms are just waaaaaiting to be shattered in you..
.... and by you.
Even You know it's getting ridiculous.
Living a life you even kinda can't stand, knowing a reality exists where unbelievable magick is your norm..
It's to the point where there's nothing left to do but laugh and say..
"ahhh what the hell.. lets do it!"
If this is you, and you fucking know it is...
If you know you can't take shrinking yourself to fit into someone else's mould for another gd second..
DM me on IG & lets figure out the exact next steps you can take to fully back yourself and unclog that channel to unleash all that HELL TO THE YES magick into your reality now- not maybe, hopefully, someday,
right mf now!
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